You can write me to pablo (at) this domain. That account is redirected to my current email-address. Replace (at) by @ . I am sorry for not offering a mailto: link, but that would be parsed by spammers' crawlers, and I will end up with more spam (yet).
Please do not add this address to any mailing list and please do not put it on the web in machine-readable form.
If you want to encrypt an email or file before sending it you can use GNUPG with this public key. The key fingerprint is 2398 8A80 7520 5517 CD0D 7738 316D FD16 CCAB DCD9
If you want to encrypt a file with the public key without adding it to your gpg keyring, from GnuPG 2.1.14 you can do:
gpg --recipient-file pablo.asc --encrypt [filename](encrypted file will be stored at [filename].gpg)